
Cornell Class of 1969

Class of 1969 Reunions

35th Reunion -- 2004

35th Reunion Logo Many Thanks go to Tina Riedl,
our Reunion Chair,
here getting a well-deserved hug
from her husband, Jeff.

We appreciate the work that all Reunion volunteers did to make our 35th a special event!
Thanks go to Tina Riedl, our Reunion Chair


Photo Gallery Introduction... please check these instructions  ; )

Reunion Photo Galleries

Photos are divided into galleries with different themes:

Also check out our Official 35th Reunion Group Photo

Thanks go to those providing photos: Andy Nierenberg, John Wilkens and Robert Barker (Cornell Univeristy Photography: official group photo)

Welcome, Class Headquarters, Souvenirs

The President Speaks, We are Entertained, We Stroll, We Relax...

Fancy Reception in the Johnson Art Museum

The Official Group Photo

Official 35th Reunion Group Photo Official photo by Robert Barker used with the permission of Cornell University Photography. To purchase a high-resolution print, contact Cornell Photography at 607-255-7675 and specify file number 670-04-06.