
Cornell Class of 1969

Cornell 1969 Classmates

Classmates: In Memoriam

Sadly, at least 289 of our classmates are known to have passed away, according to Cornell announcements as of February 2020. The 14 classmates listed in the last half year are bolded in the list below.  If you have information for additions or deletions (yes, it has happened!) to this list please contact Kate Freyer, our class contact at the Alumni Association.  Names given at the end of a listing are maiden names.

Abrahamsen, Judy Ellen Guarino, Richard Andrew Patterson, Robert Sloane
Addonizio Jr, Victor Paul Hammond, Darlene . . . Hammond Payne, Norman Eugene
Allen III, Donald Lee Hanna, David Paul Peiris, T. Kamala J.
Allen, Joel Willard Haus, Lance W. Penniman III, John Griscom
Anderson, Dorothy . . . Brown Hazen, Dan Chapin Perry III, Robert William
Aneshensel, Carol S. Henn, Ralph Frank Pflug, David Lloyd
Antonio, Albert Ramos Hescox, Margaret Peterson . . . Horman Pierce, Robert Allen
Ashe, Frederick George Hess, John Richard Pogson, Gregory George
Atherton, Timothy Baldwin Hitchcock, Joyce Brock . . . Brock Pollock, Wesley Neil
Atwood, Harlan S. Hitchcock, William J. Ponte, Richard E.
Bang Jr, Carl John Hofmann, Gregory Herbert Purlia, Mark
Bania, Kenneth Hopkins, John Elwin Quagliano, James
Barclay, Sally O'Rourke . . . Orourke Hospers, John Keith Quinn, Thomas H.
Bardwell, Susan Hill Huckins, Gordon Melvin Rauch, Neal
Bariski, James Lee Hubel, Denny J. Redmond, Gary Joseph
Barksdale, Warren Stanley Hulslander, William Arnold Reichard, Fernando Augusto
Bartlett, Richard Andrew Hunt, Charles Lucas Rezelman, Betsy Cogger . . . Cogger
Bartman Jr, Anthony Stanley Ilges Jr, Fred William Richards, Henry Tracy
Barza, Steven Lee Ingram Jr, Verner M. Rindos, David John
Batchelar III, Eugene Croker Irwin, Paul Chapple Robinson, David Matthew
Beardsley, Lee Clark Jablonski, John Kenneth Rosenbaum, Michael Seth
Beck, Martha Susan James, Joan Rawitz . . . Rawitz Rowlands, Christine . . . Chaffee
Bellmore, Laura Barneke . . . Barneke Johnessee, Judith Sharon Rubin, Barbara . . . Kass
Bentley, William Lawrence Johnson Jr, George Martin Rusk, Richard G.
Berenz, John Joseph Jones, Daniel W. Ryder, Gary Lee
Berkoff, Steven Lawrence Jue, Diana Li . . . Li Sanders, Lesley Spring . . . Spring
Berlin, Louise Arnold . . . Arnold Jurzysta, Tadeusz Stefan Satkowski, Leon G.
Bernstein, Kenneth Howard Justice, Kenneth Walter Savago, Joseph John
Bethell, James Arthur Kaiser, Cameron Jameson Savitt, Ted Joel
Bever, Becky Faith . . . Faith Kanaskie, Leon Francis Schweiger, Leslie . . . Rosen
Biamonte, Richard Louis Katusz, Joseph Francis Schwinn, Barbara Joan
Biddle, Peter W. Kaufman, William Frank Shafnisky, Eric Timothy
Bird, Richard John Kavanagh, Carol Ann Shipley, R. Scott
Birnbaum, Mark David Kavanagh, Dennis John Short, Robert James
Blauvelt, Andrew Hayden Kennedy, Philip Michael Shubra Jr, Susan . . . Barath
Bostick, Joel Lord Kercher, Marilyn . . . Libeu Silliman, James Ralph
Brender, Robert Scott Kesser III, Charles Wister Simmons, Marcia Hoobler . . . Hoobler
Brennan, Robert Joseph Kirby, William Bruce Smiles, Bonnie . . . Brown
Brill Jr, Eileen . . . Weber Kirtland, Barbara Grubb . . . Grubb Smith, David Allen
Brodie, Dvora Rogachefsky Kitzmiller, Karen B. . . . Bittermann Smith, James Emerson
Buisch, Charles P. Knowles, Douglas Ratcliff Smith, Janet Diane
Bush, Avery David Kocay, Christopher Anthony Smith, Jeffrey William
Butler, Catherine . . . Capra Koltsch, Coleman Ray Sommer, David John
Butterworth, Bruce Richard Kostrub, Ernest A. Spalding, Carol P. . . . Prior
Carr, George L. Krochmal, Paul Edward Spalding, Eugene McKinney
Chapin, Glenn Robert Laffer, Gary Irwin Spar, Fredric J
Charnalia, Sunil Kumar Larson, Christian Robert Spass, Jack Peter
Christensen, Arthur Eric Laughlin, Elizabeth Srnka, Charles Francis
Cole, Michael Hillman Lawson, Jean Asselstine . . . Asselstine Stern, Jay Leslie
Comber, Jon Edwin Lee, Alan Robert Stewart, Marcella Lorraine
Cone, David Robert Leineweber, Spencer Stewart, Robert Morrison
Conrad Jr, Howard Phillip Leish, Frederick Richard Stillman, Richard Mark
Cooch, Peter Leonard, John Thomas Suyo, James Ross
Copeland, Thomas Richard Lightfoote, Robert Hakes Swan, George R.
Costello Jr, Irvin Frank Lipsky, Ira Martin Taylor, Reed Wilson
Criss, Russell Caldwell Litchfield, Bruce Thomas Teich, George Richard
Cuccio, William James Lloyd, Richard H. Theodore, Jo-Ann
Curtis, Richard A. Loewenthal, Fred F. Thomas Jr, Samuel George
Czarnowski, Nicolas Long, M. Douglas Thomas, Lynnwood Herbert
Dalrymple, Ross Lawrence Longley-Cook, Jane B . . . Blauvelt Thomas, Mark A.
Dann Jr., Delos R. Lowe, Donald William Thompson, Leigh Krause
Dannenberg, John Robert Maller, James L Thompson, Tommy Paul
Delara, Frances S. . . . Silverstein Maltz, Ruth . . . Borker Timmerman, Allan Theodore
Dickinson, Peter Douglas Mann, Bruce Allen Torgerson, Judith . . . Mcneal
Dodd, Glennon David Marion, Wayne R. Toy, Benjamin Arthur
Draper, Donald Lee Marionni, Paul Anthony Trager, Lillian
Dumary III, James Henry Marsh III, M. Crockett Treadwell, Robert Andrew
Emerson, Mark F. Marshall, John Charles Tufts, Craig Ellery
Entersz, Janet Lynne Martinez, Olga Beatriz Turbeville, Daniel Jackson
Eyster, James Jeffries Martinez-Rodas, Romeo Tusinski, Walter John
Felicita, James Thomas Marx, Steven A. Tuttle Jr., Lloyd R.
Fideler, Paul Roger Maurer, Russell Edwin Tyce, Richard Stanley
File, Karen Novick . . . Novick Mawere, Tapson Anson Vakalo, Emmanuel- George
Fiske, Mary Ann McCullen, Arthur Varga, James R.
Fitch, Michael Cornell Mc Queen III, William Arthur Venooker, Alan
Fitzgerald, Ronald John McGraw, John David Vitale, James Eli
Foley, Cynthia Ann . . . Taylor McKibben, Timothy Pence Vonderweidt, Michel Andre
Franzen, James Maskin McQueen, Richard L. Voss, Patricia Olin . . . Olin
Friedman, Mark Eric Meadows, Patrick A. Wait III, Newman Edward
Froilan Jr, Leslie . . . Boyle Michal, John A. III Walker, Peter Bruce
Fuchs, Gary Andrew Miller, Henry S. Ward, Nicholas Geoffroy
Galusha Jr, Newton Clifford Moog III, William Curt Warren, Donna F. . . . Feuquay
Gambino Jr, Joseph Morris, David Price Watling, James Franklin
Geronemus, Robert Perry Mrazek, David Allen Weeker, John Thomas
Geyer, Robert Alan Murnieks, John Welch Jr, John David
Ghachem, Rachid Naylor, Roy A. Whatley, James Frederick
Gimbarski, Raymond Gerald Nehring, Ronald E. Whealy, Steven Louis
Gluck, David Herbert Nelson, Bruce Arthur Williams, Terrance R.
Goerner, Donald Lee Nelson, Garth Robert Winslow, John Boehm
Goldberg, Joyce Ellen Nicklin, Margaret . . . Greene Wolff, Linda
Goldstein, Stanley Gerald Nelson, Robert Fredrick Wood, Jeffrey William
Goodman, Morris Harold Nilsen, Arthur Christian Woolf, Philip Luther
Graham, Edward G. Nolin, Bruce Joseph Wormer, James Charles
Green, Joan B. . . . Green Nowogrodzki, Richard Wright, Dennis William
Greene, Carolyn Rose . . . Rose Ortlieb, William Wesley Yancey Jr, Robert Earl
Greene, Karen Haywood . . . Haywood Pannell, Warren C. Yancey, Clarence Edward
Griffin, Nancy . . . Tutherly