
Cornell Class of 1969

Cornell 1969 Classmates

Cornell '69 Legacies

Congratulations to the many classmates of 1969 who have Cornell legacies, where our children -- and grandchildren! -- are also Cornellians (and sometimes our forbears as well). To have your Cornell legacy listed here, just tell the Webmaster, John Wilkens -- and feel free to send a photo.

NEW entry 2018! -- Richard Scott Lysle

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*** Indicates a new or updated listing.
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    Ragnhild Aagaard -- see Ragnhild Aagaard Fougner
    John Anderson
      John's daughter Rachel ('98) is a graduate in Arts and Sciences.
    Doug Antczak
      Doug's daughter Elizabeth ('02) is a Cornell grad.
    Penny Smith Austin
      Penny and her husband Cle ('68) have a Cornellian, Peter ('00).
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    Judy Braunstein Bailyn
      Judy's son Jay ('02) is a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences.
    Zell Berman -- see Zell Berman Rosenfelt
    Priscilla Bibbens -- see Priscilla Bibbens Inglis
    Kathe (Teetor) Bowen
      Kathe's son Peter graduated in 2001 from the Arts and Sciences College.
    Judy Braunstein -- see Judy Braunstein Bailyn
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    Patricia Brenner -- see Patricia Brenner Rowan
    Bernice Chase -- see Bernice Chase Schorr
    Mary Elizabeth Clark -- see Mary Elizabeth Clark Hess
    Judy Lyke Clarke
      Judy's daughter Kelley ('98) is a graduate of the College of Human Ecology.
    Edward Clayton
      Edward's son Christopher ('00) is a graduate of the College of Architecture.
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    Jakow Diener
      Jakow has two Cornell alumni: Jeff ('95) and Michele ('98).
    Ingrid Dieterle -- see Ingrid Dieterle Tyler
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    Alan Eade
      My daughter Lauren D. Eade graduated in the Class of 2001 from the College of Arts and Sciences, double major in classical languages and government, and "wtih distinction in all subjects." In fact, she did much better at Cornell than did her father!
    Tina Economaki -- see Tina Economaki Riedl
    Judy Ruchlis Eisenberg
      Judy and Herb (MS '69)'s daughter Lauren is an alum from the class of '02.
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    Benita Fair -- see Benita Fair Langsdorf
    Ragnhild Aagaard Fougner
      Ragnhild's daughter Lucie ('01) is a Cornellian, as is her husband, Jan ('67).
    Stanley Freedman
      Stanley's daughter Lindsey ('03) is an alum of the College of Arts and Sciences.
    Peter Fried
      Peter and his wife Wendy Zisfein ('71) have two alumni children: Lisa ('95) and David ('98), an Electrical Engineer.
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    Ellen Isaacson Goldman
      Ellen's son Brent ('98) is a Cornell alumnus, as is her son Jason ('03) from the Hotel School.
    Ann Goldsholl -- see Ann Goldsholl Varsano
    Barbara Gross -- see Barbara Gross Weinberg
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    Mary Elizabeth Clark Hess
      Mary and her late husband John ('70) started a Cornell legacy with Peter ('98, M. Mechanical Engineering '99), and Sarah ('01), Human Ecology
    Nancy Hurwitz -- see Nancy Hurwitz Louis
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    Priscilla Bibbens Inglis
      Priscilla and her husband Rex ('67) have a son Scott ('99) who is a third-generation Cornellian.
    Ellen Isaacson -- see Ellen Isaacson Goldman
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    Nancy Jenkins -- see Nancy Jenkins Krablin
    Ted Jope
      Ted's son Nick Jope ('01) is a Psychology alum from Arts and Sciences.
    Robert Jossen
      Robert's son Daniel is an alum from the class of '02.
    Diana Li Jue
      Diana's son, Jeffrey, is a Mechanical Engineering alum from '02.
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    Kenneth Kelly
      Kenneth's son Scott is an alum from the class of '02.
    Deborah Kesselring -- see Deborah Kesselring Markham
    Naresh Khanna
      Naresh's son Ravish ('91) has been an alumnus for decades now.
    Sandor Kovacs
      Sandor's son Tamas (Tom) Robert Kovacs graduated in 2009 with B.S. in Engineering and in 2010 with his M.Eng. in Operations Research.

    Larry Krablin and Nancy Jenkins Krablin
      Larry and Nancy's daughter, Joanna (' 00) is an alum from Human Ecology. In addition, Nancy's parents, DuBois Jenkins DVM ('43) and Doris Holmes Jenkins HE ('44) and one of her grandfathers, David M. Jenkins ('17) are/were Cornellians.
    Richard Kubach
      Richard's son Richard III ('98) and daughter Heather ('99) are alumni of the Hotel School.
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    Benita Fair Langsdorf
      Benita's daughter Melissa ('98) is an alum.
    Diana Li -- see Diana Li Jue
    Nancy Hurwitz Louis
      Nancy's son Geoffrey ('93) is an alum, as is her husband, classmate Ken ('69).
    Judy Lyke -- see Judy Lyke Clarke
    *** Richard Scott Lysle
      Richard's daughter, Lily Rae Lysle, graduated from Cornell Law School in 2017.
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    Deborah Kesselring Markham
      Deborah and her husband John (MS '70) have two Cornellians: their sons Jason ('96) and Brian ('99). Brian stayed on at Cornell for his ME in Structural Engineering.
    Beth Meister
      Beth (Shepard) Meister and her husband Bill have two daughters who are Cornell graduates: Maud (2004) and Amanda(2008).
    Jim Miller
      Jim's daughter Bevan ('99) majored in Communications, and his son Ryan ('02) is an alum from Agriculture.
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    Rich Nalevanko
      Rich has the record for our class' offspring Cornell connections!

      Daughter Megan (Nalevanko) Falcone ALS '94, DVM '99
          Married to Dan Falcone ALS '94, M.Ed.'96

      Daughter Amanda "Mandy" (Nalevanko) Settembre AS '99 (also has M.Ed. from Harvard)
          Married to Ethan Settembre ALS '98, Ph.D. '04

      Daughter Katherine "Katie" (Nalevanko) Baker AS '01

      Daughter Jillian " Jill" (Nalevanko) Ward AS '03
          Married to Dan Ward ALS '04 (also has Ph.D. from Colorado State and has finished
          post-Doctoral research at Cornell and now has a position at Princeton).

      As an added "note"  ;-)  Megan, Mandy, Katie and Jill were all members of the Cornell Chorus
         and Dan Falcone, Ethan and Dan Ward were all members of the Glee Club!.
    Mike Natan
      Mike's son Shaw graduated from Cornell in 1997.
    Linda Schwartz Negrin
      Linda and Joel's daughter Meredith Negrin Safer is an alum from the class of '98
    Ron Nehring
      Ron is "proud to pass along that our daughter, Jessica, is an '03 graduate of the College of Agriculture"
    Lloyd Newman
      Lloyd's two sons, Jeffrey ('98) and David ('01) are both Cornellians.
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    Robert Ohmann
      Robert, of Ag & Life Sciences, has two daughters also graduates of ALS: Lisa, class of '99 and Erin, class of '04.
    Rick Oliver
      Rick has two alumnae daughters: Kim Oliver Brothers ('91) and Carrie ('94).
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    Richard Poznysz
      Richard's daughter Christine is an alumna from the class of 1990.
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    Nancy Weiss Rich and Douglas S. Rich
      Nancy and Doug's daughter Jennifer ('01) is an alum from Arts & Sciences; as is Jonathan ('05).
    Tina Economaki Riedl
      Tina and her husband Jeff ('70) have a daughter Alexis, who graduated from the Hotel School in May, 2000.
    John Riley
      John's son John ('97) and his daughter Kathleen ('00) are both alumni.
    Zell Berman Rosenfelt
      Zell's daughter Natalie ('01) is a graduate from Arts and Sciences.
    Patricia Brenner Rowan '69, '70
      Pat's daughter Kristen ('02) is a grad from the College of Arts and Sciences.
    Judy Ruchlis -- see Judy Ruchlis Eisenberg
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    Bernice Chase Schorr
      Bernice's two children are Cornellians, Debbie ('01) and David (Grad '94 - '98), as well as her husband, Alan ('66)
    Linda Schwartz -- see Linda Schwartz Negrin
    Beth Shepard -- see Beth (Shepard) Meister
    Al Shineman
      Al's daughter Diana ('02) is an alum from Arts and Sciences.

    Penny Smith -- see Penny Smith Austin
    John Steed
      John reports that his son John Jr. (ILR '97) also graduated from the Johnson School in '05. John Jr. is also the grandson of Donald Steed, Vet '42.
    Rick Spiewak
      Rick's daughter, Sarah, graduated from the Hotel School in '95.
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    Kathe Teetor -- see Kathe (Teetor) Bowen
    Bob Tollini
      Bob's son Michael is a grad of the Cornell Law School.
    Malcom Tom
      Malcom has two daughters from the Hotel School, Jennifer ('00) and Katie('03).
    Cathy Weisman Topal
      Cathy's daughter Claire ('01) is a graduate of Arts and Sciences.
    Steve Treadway
      Steve and his wife Beth (Heydinger) ('70) have a Cornellian son, Joe ('00), who majored in history.
    Ingrid Dieterle Tyler and Stephen Tyler
      Stephen and Ingrid have had three Cornell legacies!
      Bridget - '95 HA (Hotel Administration)
      Charles - '98 A & S (deceased 1/2/95)
      Diana - '01 A & S
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    Samuel Varsano and Ann Goldsholl Varsano
      Our first son, Joshua '94 married Karen Ellis, also class of '94. Our second son, Douglas '98 lettered in Sprint Football and also married a classmate, Lori Kowalczyk, class of '99. We are a proud "All Big Red" family!
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    Barbara Gross Weinberg
      Barbara's daughter Laura ('00) is a Cornellian.
    Cathy Weisman -- see Cathy Weisman Topal
    Nancy Weiss -- see Nancy Weiss Rich
    Alexander Wilhelm and Phyllis Wilson Wilhelm
      Alexander and Phyllis' daughter Carol ('99) is an alum with a BA in art history and BFA in painting. She is the fourth Cornell generation in her family, with each of Phyllis' forebears faithfully marrying a Cornellian: her grandparents are Philip Wilson ('42, MS Ag '53) and Rosemary Williams Wilson ('43), and her great-grandparents are Meredith Wilson (' 14) and Ethyl Dennison Wilson ('12).
    Kenneth L. Wilson
      Ken and his wife Sharon (Sluboski) (PhD '75) have a Cornellian daughter, Mary ('02).
    Phyllis Wilson -- see Phyllis Wilson Wilhelm
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    Bruce Yukelson
      Bruce's daughter Caryn ('99) is an alumna in Human Ecology.
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